Excavator rental.

Transport of content in semi-trailer with cranes.


Pacheco & Silva Lda

Pacheco & Silva Lda is a company in the world for land transport of goods with the primary aim to provide quality and trustworthy services to its customers. From the beginning dedicated to the transport of general cargo, supported by an experienced team, our main goal is to always be in a position to meet the needs of our customers.
We have combined the quality of our services to the demands of our customers.

We carry out any type of normal load for this business area, we put at your disposal equipment with various specifications and quite recent.

 Cargo Transports

Excavators Rental


Get in touch with us

Canada Carreira Tiro

9500-171 Ponta Delgada 

Contact us

Pedido de Contacto - Website Pacheco & Silva Lda

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